Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesdays with Mandy

Hey hey heyy! Well first off, i couldnt think of a clever title like how nikko and maikee do, so i used the book Tuesdays with Maury which is a book that i love, and whatever. I know I really suck at that. anyways. Nikko, youre blog was panny, but you did spell PLACEBO wrong. sorry my dear. Stay in school. I'm kinda inconsistent with my blogging so i'll definitely try to stay more up to date.

Bad news at work that i dont want to bring up, but at least I still have my job, so i'm thankful to God for that. I'm at Maikee's. we just woke up. well I just woke up and he's still in la la land. probably gonna be hungover from last night, that party animal. We all went to Matthews house and chilled. They drank LC's while the rest of us sipped some brewskies. I hate drinking hard alcohol, and plus it just makes me look stupid when I get dummy ass drunk, so I dont think it's much of a necessity.

School Starts on Tuesday!!! I'm excited and scared! I always feel like this before I start a new semester. Its like the first day of high school all over again, like "Am i gonna get lost?" "who's gonna be in my class??" "Is my teacher gonna be cool?" you know?? Which reminds me, I HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING!!!! (Note the "I have to" like its mandatory. Well, it is in my book. I just wanna buy my motorcycle boots, and pens and notebooks and all that fancy stuff :) makes me all warmmmm inside!

Some assholes car alarm just went off outside because another asshole decided to speed through the street and his whack ass exhaust triggered the first assholes car alarm. stupid assholes.

Well I guess I'll leave it here. I'm gonna go cook some spam and eggs for my 7 year old a.k.a Maikee. lol i swear he's a 3rd grader stuck in a giant body. lol okay well I guess I'll catch ya'll on the flip side.


I hope you feel better nikkotines! stop blazing so much! youre crazy!

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